Antibattery mates in selfmate 1

This is the first special example file for 34th TT CCM.

The main point of this set is to show some interesting renderings of the theme with varying properties. Note that none of five selected problems was awarded any prize in their respective tourneys, although some of them are quite respectable works. Let's see whether there will be something better in the 34th TT CCM.
Waldemar Tura
2nd HM Wola Gulowska 1996

1.Bc7? th. 2.Qxg5+ Rxg5#

1.Qc5? th. 2.Bxg5+ Rxg5#

1.Qa3! th. 2.Bxg5+ Rxg5#
1...Bf6 2.Se6+ g4#
1...f6 2.Sd5+ g4#
1...Gf3+ 2.Sd3+ Gf4#

There is strategy both in the choice of key and variations here.

White wants to check on g5, thus one piece from the pair Bd8 - Qe7 has to leave the diagonal d8-g5. However Black has also some defensive possibilities, either by guarding g5 by 1...Ga5 or by unblocking g3. The try 1.Bc7? neutralizes 1...g3 as Qg5 guards g3, while 1.Qc5 neutralizes 1...Ga5 by line closing. Then the key neutralizes both potential refutations.

Now in the variations play defences to f6 defend by gate closing for threat move, but at the same time unpin Pg5. It would be possible to force checkmate by 2.Sf4~+, but there are additional motifs in defences and nicely unified ones: unguard of e6 and f6 respectively. Both have to be neutralized by precise moves of wS, leading to double-check antibattery + battery mate.

Another defence is a checking one 1...Gf3+. It unpins Gh2 and thus allows a new antibattery mate. To this end, wQ must be interefered with.

s#2 (7+12)
2+4 grasshopper

Petko A. Petkov
4th HM Die Schwalbe 1999

1.PAg8! th. 2.Qe8+ VAc6 3.Sd1+ Kc4 4.Qf7+ LEd5#
1...Bxd2 2.Qa8+ VAc6 3.Qa5+ Kc2 4.VAf5+ LEe4#
1...LExf6 2.Qe6+ VAc6 3.Qb3+ Sxb3 4.PAg3+ LEf3#
(1...VAd5 2.Sd1+ Kc4 3.Qe8+ VAc6 4.Qf7+ LEd5#)

Nicely unified strategy of the threat and two variations works as follows. The 2nd move of wQ attacks bVAg2 to c6, making it a rear piece of antibattery in a critical manner wth respect to all three squares d5, e4 and f3. Then white prepares the check on its 4th move that is parried by bLE. Consequently, the black leo gives mate by firing the antibattery, with both antibattery pieces pinned in the process.

s#4 (16+7)
0+1 leo, 2+1 vao, 2+0 pao

Sven Trommler
Franz Pachl

Commendation 14th TT harmonie 2009

1.Qh5! th. 2.Sf6+ Kd6 3.Sf5+ LExf5 4.Se8+ Kd5#
1...LEa4 2.CAhg4+ Kxe6 3.Qe8+ LExe8 4.f5+ Kd7#
1...LE5a6 2.CAc2+ Kxe4 3.Qe2+ LExe2 4.LEa8+ Kd3#

Here the antibatteries are fully set up in a different manner. The main role is played by LEa5, capturing on the 3rd move the white checking piece and the mating on the final move. In the meantime, bK is important too, making the 2nd and especially final antibattery checking move.

s#4 (14+9)
2+0 camel, 2+2 leo

Theodor Steudel
Problemkiste 2001


1.Be5! NEh3 2.Bd6 NEd7 3.Bc7 NEb7 4.Bf4 NEd5 5.Bh2 NEf3#

Quite understandable content is introduced by the set play with immediate mate. However white is unable to lose tempo easily. Thus he has to rearrange two black nonstop equihoppers on the long diagonal, losing a tempo in the process. Final mate is the same as in the set play, but with two nonstop equihoppers swapped.

s#5 (2+3)
0+2 nonstop equihopper

Semion Shifrin
Commendation M. Grushko 50 JT 2006

1.c8R+! Sc7 2.Rxc7(Sb8)+ Sc6+ 3.Kc8 Gb7 4.Rf7 Gg7 5.Kb7 Gb2 6.Ka8 Gf8 7.Rb7 Gb8#

1.Kc8! Gb7 2.Kxb7(Gb1) Gg6 3.c8Q+ Sc7 4.Qd7 Gc8 5.Qxc7(Sb8)+ Sc6 6.Ka6 Gb6 7.Qxb6(Gb1) Gb7#

Another moremover with Maximummer condition and quite light position.

In both solutions wP promotes and the promoted pieces controls movements of black grasshoppers. Circe is somehow used in both solutions, but the first solution is not so intensive from this point of view. Moreover, the mate is not model in the first solution, as wK cannot enter b8 because of Sc6 as well as Circe rebirth of bG on b1.

The form of two solutions is less usual, but in fact it is close to variation play. Of course, making two variations instead of two solutions is usually very much preferable.

s#7 (2+4)
Circe, Maximummer
0+2 grasshopper
2 solutions

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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